Monday, July 13, 2009

BB Cosmetics ~ RM180 Package Promo

Please contact:
Nirwanzah 012-7902330
Fazlina 012-3220334

BB Cosmetics ~ RM150 Package Promo

Please contact:
Nirwanzah 012-27902330
Fuzzy 012-3220334

Friday, June 26, 2009

Branded Handbags - COMING SOON

Tudungs & Brooches - COMING SOON

Costume Jewelleries - COMING SOON

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Betty Boop Cosmetics Promotions

What a promising Sunday.. Ipoh Station was packed with visitors, young and oldies AKA old timers..

A long stretch of antique cars, other antiques, Harley Davidsons driven by antique riders!!!

We would like to thank the visitors for spending the weekend us while enjoying great luncheons at Ipoh Station.. Ikan Patin masak Tempoyak!!! Killer dish over here!

Need not to worry, there will be some other subsequent events to be held at Ipoh Station. Lets take this weekend as inaugural weekend for the whole new vibrant and exciting weekends over here in Puchong Utama!!

some "bling bling" costume jewelleries

TA DAA!!! the betty boops collections brought by yourstruly the diva itself, MOI!

some make-overs done

adibah noor in da house!!!

antiques, antiques and more antiques!!
Best regards,
Diva Patchi

Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to Betty Boop Cosmetics

Hi. As a newbie in this blog world, I am proudly to present Betty Boop Cosmetics, a new cosmetic range product from the NYC. Betty Boop Cosmetics is still new in Malaysia for about a year and now available in a few of the Parkson Grand outlets.

However, I am here to bring to you this wonderful products right at your doorstep. With my close collaboration with Betty Boop Cosmetics, the desired products will be delivered to you upon purchased.

Happy reading, on info of BettyBoops Cosmetics!!!
Best Regards,
Diva Patchi